• Faculty

  • Kyle Li

    Assistant Professor of Communication Design and Technology


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    Kyle Li


    Kyle Li is a creative technologist, an interaction designer, a maker, and a learning expert based in New York City. His body of work and research wraps around playful learning experiences manifested by interconnected physical and digital components. In 2008, he helped build the world’s first public school, Quest 2 Learn, that was entirely redesigned with game design and media learning theories in mind. He later won the Best in Class: Innovation award and People’s Choice award from HASTAC and the White House for his design in game-based learning. He became the program director of BFA Design & Technology at Parsons School of Design in Fall 2014. He collaboratively designed and pushed forward the first complete indie game design pathway and a brand new human-centered creative technology pathway in his program. He believes students are coming to school for the latest design education and better access to tools they can’t afford by themselves. His vast interests in embodied media and technology brought him into the content experiment for virtual reality in 2012. In 2015, He helped launch a minor study called Immersive Storytelling with his esteemed colleagues in which students learn to design and develop meaningful, interactive, and poetic experiences for VR/AR/MR. He recently helped the New School established the first motion capture studio as an effort to push the envelope of interactive media design.

    李肅綱是一位互動與學習體驗設計師,他以混合實體介面和數位視覺內容來創造玩樂般的互動學習體驗。台北出生長大, 2008年開始在帕森斯設計藝術學院任教並加入紐約的教育改革運動, 協助在曼哈頓建立了世界第一所以"玩"為教材設計靈感的公立中學。所領導的團隊獲得美國 HASTAC 數字媒體和教育大賽的最具創新獎和全民選擇獎兩項殊榮, 由當時協辦的美國白宮首席技術官在E3授獎。同時為中學所經營設計內容的互動學習空間也登上紐約時報雜誌封面,在當時被譽為改變未來教育的四大科技之一。2013年開始參與帕森斯設計藝術學院的設計教程改革,為當代的設計學生找尋屬於當代的設計教育。次年成為該學院大學部設計與科技系系主任。他為帕森斯設計創立了遊戲設計主修、創意科技主修、沉浸故事創作副修、和一座專業級的室內動態捕捉系統。目前專攻混合實境內容設計與未來人工智慧UXAI相關研究教育和創作。

    Degrees Held

    BFA in Interactive Design
    MA in American Art History
    MFA in Design and Technology 

    Performances and Appearances


    2019 Projection Mapping, Shanghai Art and Design Academy, Shanghai

    2018 Royal Studio + Parsons Wearable Tech & IoT camp, Parsons, New York, NY

    2018 VR Development with HTC FOCUS, Nanjing University, Nanjing

    2017 Conversation UI Design, Parsons, New York, NY

    2017 May the Chatbot Be With You, Parsons, New York, NY

    2017 Working with cognitive A.I., Parsons, New York, NY

    2017 Royal Studio + Parsons Wearable Tech & IoT camp, Parsons, New York, NY

    2016  Projection Mapping Workshop, Fabcafe Taipei, Taipei

    2015 Immersive Storytelling & Virtual Reality, Shanghai Culture and Technology Development Forum, Shanghai

    2015  Projection Mapping Workshop, Shih Chien University, Kaohsiung

    2015  Makerspace, FOXCONN, Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei

    2014  App Explorers, FOXCONN, Neihu Dist., Taipei, Taiwan

    2014  8-Bit Workshop, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, New York, NY

    2013  Demo Day: Immersion Technology, FOXCONN, Neihu Dist., Taipei

    2013  Dynamic Level Management with Google Drive and Unity 3D, Parsons The New School for Design, New York, NY

    2012  Activate Game Design Camp, Dandelion School, Da-xing Dist., Beijing, China

    2012  Mobile Game Workshop, Eyebeam Art+Technology Center, New York, NY    

    2011  Mobile Game Workshop, New York Public Library, NY

    2010  8-Bit Game Workshop, Game Learning, and Society Conference, Madison, WI

    2010  Mobile Quest Summer Camp, Quest to Learn New York, NY                            

    2009  Mobile Quest Summer Camp, Quest to Learn New York, NY                            

    2009  Arizona Science Museum: SMALLab game exhibition: SWARM



    2019 “Digital Product Design”, Taipei Medical University (TMU), Taipei

    2019 “VR EXPERIENCE DESIGN”, Tencent Incubator Center (OF COURSE CHINA), Shanghai

    2018 “SMART CRAFT STUDIO”, Intangible Cultural Heritage National Forum, Nanjing

    2017 “Media, Entertainment, and Gaming”, Explore Future Reality Panelist, NYC Media Lab, New York

    2017 “Design Education”, Lecture, Shanghai Art and Design Academy, Shanghai

    2017 “Future Learning 01”, Lecture, Fabcafe, Taipei

    2017 “VR/AR/MR in Education”, Immersive Storytelling Symposium Panelist, Parsons School of Design, New York

    2017 “Design Meaningful Play for Systems Thinking and Digital Literacy”, Lecture, Syntrend Creative Park, Taipei

    2016 “Conversation UI in Virtual Reality”, Speaker, Asia Experience Design Association, New York

    2016 “VR SOUL STEW - An Otaku’s Guide to ARVR UX/UI”, Speaker, NYC Media Lab, New York

    2016 “ Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality”, Speaker, Taiwan Economic and Culture Office, New York

    2015 “Immersive Storytelling”, Shanghai Culture and Technology Development Forum Invited Talk, Shanghai

    2015  “Design & Technology”, New York Design + Emerging Technology Forum Invited Talk, New York

    2015  “Design & Technology”, Shih Chien University Invited Talk, Taipei

    2014  “Design Process”, Zero Boundaries Panelist, New York

    2013  “Connected Learning”, 3rd International Workshop on Extending Seamlessly to the Internet of Things Invited Talk, Taichung

    2012  “SMALLab Learning in Quest 2 Learn New York”, Arizona State University Embodied Games for Learning Lab Invited Talk, Arizona

    2011  “Urban Game Design as a Tool for Creativity, Collaboration, and Learning Among Youth”, Game, Learning, and Society Conference speaker,Wisconsin

    2011  “Designing Learning-Rich Scenarios for Gaming SMALLab”, Game, Learning, and Society Conference speaker, Wisconsin

    2010  “Games by Network: Thinking about Game Design for the Development of City-Wide Learning Channels”, Game, Learning, and Society Conference speaker, Wisconsin

    2010  “Gaming SMALLab: Augmented Learning for Middle School Kids”, Game, Learning, and Society Conference speaker, Wisconsin

    2010  “Four ideas about where serious game can go next”, Game Development Conference 2010 panelist, California

    2007  “The Suicide Game”, DiGRA International Game Research Conference Poster Session, Tokyo


    Research Interests


    Awards And Honors

    NYC Media Lab Summit 18' Special Mention
    NYC Media Lab

    Fortune AR is a playful attempt to enhance the experience of interfacing with a physical fortunetelling machine using technology such as Augmented Reality and the Internet of Things designed by Kyle Li, Assistant Professor of Communication Design and Technology. The project was awarded third prize at the annual NYC Media Summit. Kyle Li is the BFA Design and Technology (DT) program director and alumnus of the MFA DT program.

    NSF International Science & Engineering Visualization Challenge Finalist
    National Science Foundation

    This competition recognizes outstanding achievement by scientists, engineers, visualization specialists, and artists who are innovators in the use of visual media to promote understanding of research results and scientific phenomena. We submitted ProteinCraft, a SMALLab game we developed for living environment students on DNA translation. Unlike other NSF photo-realistic submissions, our game is made of simple and colorful geometric shapes. However, we made sure the design principles behind all the visuals and sound effects are true to the principles of DNA translation. In a way, our play experience is not just a rendering of the event, but a fun collaborative practice ground that reinforces the connection between the color coded diagrams and symbols they learned in the classroom and the learning contents.

    HASTAC Digital Media & Learning Competition 3
    Game Changer Best in Class: Innovation winner & grantee

    In collaboration with President Obama’s Educate to Innovate initiative and National Lab Day, the third Competition (2010) challenged designers, inventors, entrepreneurs, and researchers to create learning labs for the 21st century, digital environments that promote building and tinkering in new ways. Announced by Aneesh Chopra, Chief Technology Officer of the United States, 19 winners were selected in two categories: 21st Century Learning Lab Designers ($30,000 to $200,000)* and Game Changers ($5,000 to $50,000)*. 21st Century Learning Lab Designer awards were given for learning environments and digital media experiences that allow young people to grapple with challenges through activities based on the social nature, contexts,and ideas of science, technology, engineering, and math.

    Motion Graphic Designer for U2 2005 concert
    One Dot Zero

    Chosen as one of six emerging designers worldwide to design motion graphics for the latest stage technology - a gigantic screen system made of 7 led curtains. The resolution of the screen is only 249 pixels x 64 pixels including 10 pixel gap between each curtain. It was a challenging but very fun and rewarding experience for non-screen display.



    Current Courses

    PSAM 5550, Fall 2024

    The New Arcade
    PSAM 5045, Fall 2024

    Thesis Studio 1
    PGTE 5300, Fall 2024

    Future Courses

    Recursive Reality
    PGTE 5583, Spring 2025

    Past Courses

    Independent Study
    PGTE 5900, Spring 2024

    Thesis Studio 2
    PGTE 5301, Spring 2024

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