Spring Deadlines: February 28 and April 4, 2025
Applicants are strongly encouraged to apply at least six to eight weeks before the proposed project or initiative date.
Focus: Civic engagement, social justice, activism, on-campus project funding
Eligibility Criteria: Current full-time Lang students and groups that include at least one Lang student. Awards can cover tangible costs or material fees related to applicant projects. Mini-grants cannot be used to pay for compensation
of time worked on projects, study abroad program fees, or tuition. However, they can be used to pay for guest speaker honoraria and fees.
Amount: Individuals can apply for up to $750 in funding per semester; groups can apply for $1,500 per semester. Priority is given to students who have not previously received funding from CESJ.
Endorsement: A faculty, staff, or advisor reference is strongly recommended but not required.
CESJ Mini-grants are small grants made to individual and groups of students to support student programming, research costs, activism, creative projects, and other work that focuses on social justice or civic engagement.
Past awards have funded needs like production costs for an exhibition on Salvadoran migration and displacement, supplies for a senior thesis examining displacement in Puerto Rico, travel to the Afro Tech conference, and food for a student-organized conference
on urban community and environmental health.