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  • Lisa Rubin

    Interim Executive Dean, Schools of Public Engagement and Associate Professor of Psychology (Clinical)


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    Lisa Rubin


    Lisa Rubin is the Interim Executive Dean, Schools of Public Engagement and an Associate Professor of Psychology

    Concentrations : Gender and Health; Body Image; Psycho-Oncology; Psychological Aspects of Cosmetic/Reconstructive Surgery; Hereditary Cancer Risk/ Risk Management; Assisted Reproductive Technologies; Abortion and Mental Health Reproductive Issues; Feminist Identity; Qualitative Research Methods

    Degrees Held

    PhD 2005, Arizona State University

    Recent Publications

    Selected Articles and Book Chapters

    Winslow, A., Hooberman, L., & Rubin, L.R. (Accepted with Minor Revisions). Werewolves & Two-headed Monsters:  An Exploration of PMDD Sufferers’ Coping, Sharing, & Processing of Premenstrual Distress on an Anonymous Internet Message Board. Women’s Reproductive Health. 

    Hacker, K. S., Garzon, M. G., Shuman, S., Shenko, C., & Rubin, L. R. (2022). “I’m Getting Violated… for My Health”: Experiences of Pelvic Exams among Women with Low Incomes. Women's Reproductive Health, 9 (3), 161-182. 

    Farvid, P., Vance, T. A., Klein, S. L., Nikiforova, Y., Rubin, L. R., & Lopez, F. G. (2021). The health and wellbeing of transgender and gender non‐conforming people of colour in the United States: A systematic literature search and review. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 31(6), 703-731. 

    Zhang, J., Rubin, L. R., Zierhut, H., & Pastore, L. M. (2021). Comparison of Patients’ Ethical Perspectives of Preimplantation Embryo Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy (PGT-A) vs. Monogenic Disorders (PGT-M). Reproductive Sciences, 1-10.

    Zhang, J., Pastore, L. M., Sarwana, M., Klein, S., Lobel, M., & Rubin, L. R. (2021). Ethical and moral perspectives of individuals who considered/used preimplantation (embryo) genetic testing. Journal of Genetic Counseling. 

    Pastore, L. M., Cordeiro Mitchell, C. N., Rubin, L. R., Nicoloro-Santa Barbara, J., *Genoff Garzon, M. C., & Lobel, M. (2019). Patients’ preimplantation genetic testing decision-making experience: an opinion on related psychological frameworks. Human reproduction open, 2019(4) 

    Panjwani, A. A., Marín-Chollom, A. M., Pervil, I. Z., Erblich, J., Rubin, L. R., Schuster, M. W., & Revenson, T. A. (2018). Illness Uncertainties Tied to Developmental Tasks Among Young Adult Survivors of Hematologic Cancers. Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology. 

    de Melo-Martín, I., Rubin, L. R., & Cholst, I. N. (2018). “I want us to be a normal family”: Toward an understanding of the functions of anonymity among US oocyte donors and recipients. American Journal of Bioethics (AJOB): Empirical Bioethics, 9, 235-351. 

    Genoff-Garzon, M. C., Rubin, L. R., Lobel, M., Stelling, J., & Pastore, L. M. (2017). Review of Patient Decision‐Making Factors and Attitudes Regarding Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis. Clinical Genetics. 

    Rubin, L.R., de Melo-Martin, I., Rosenwaks, Z., Cholst, I.N. (2015). Once you're choosing, nobody's perfect: is more information necessarily better in oocyte donor selection? Reproductive biomedicine online 30, 3, 311-318

    Rubin, L.R. & de Melo-Martín, I. (2014). Ethical analysis of PGD for BRCA, in S. Gibbon, G. Joseph, J. Mozersky, A. Nieden, & Sonja Palfner (Eds.) Breast Cancer Gene Research and Medical PracticesNew York: Routledge.

    Rubin, L.R. & Joseph, J.A. (2013). An Ounce of Prevention, a Ton of Controversy. In M.B. McCullough & J.A. Hardin (Eds.) Reconstructing Obesity: The Meaning of Measures and the Measure of Meanings. New York: Berghahn

    Rubin, L.R., Chavez, J., Alderman, A., Pusic, A.L. (2013). "Use what God has given me": Difference and disparity in breast reconstruction. Psychology & Health 28, 10, 1099-1120.

    Werner-Lin, A., Rubin, L.R., Doyle, M., Stern, R, Savin, K., Hurley, K., Sagi, M. (2012) "My funky genetics": BRCA1/2 mutation carriers' understanding of genetic inheritance and reproductive merger in the context of new reprogenetic technologies. Families, Systems, & Health 30, Vol 30(2), 166-180.

    Rubin, L.R., & *Phillips, A. (2012). Infertility and Assisted Reproductive Technologies: Matters of Reproductive Justice. In J. Chrisler (Ed.). Reproductive Justice: A Global Concern. Santa Barbara: Praeger

    Hoyt, M.A., Rubin, L.R., Nemeroff, C., Lee, J., Huebner, D., Proescholdbell, R. (2011). HIV/AIDS-Related Institutional Mistrust among Multi-Ethnic Men Who Have Sex with Men: Effects on HIV Testing and Risk Behaviors. Health Psychology. doi: 10.1037/a0025953

    *Leve, M., Rubin, L.R., Pusic, A.L. (2011). Cosmetic surgery and Neoliberalisms: Managing Risk in Facial Cosmetic Surgery.Feminism and Psychology.
    DOI: 0.1177/0959353511424361

    Rubin, L.R. & Steinberg, J.R. (2011). Self-Objectification and Pregnancy: Are Body Functionality Dimensions Protective? Sex Roles, 65, 606-618. DOI: 10.1007/s11199-011-9955-y

    Rubin, L. & Tanenbaum, M.* (2011). “Does That Make Me A Woman?”: Breast Cancer, Mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction Decisions Among Sexual Minority Women. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 35,401-414. DOI: 10.1177/0361684310395606

    Reading, R.*, Rubin, L.R. (2011). Healing, Advocacy, and Empowerment: Group Therapy for LGBT Asylum-seekers. Traumatology, 17, 86-98. DOI: 10.1177/1534765610395622

    Denford, S., Harcourt, D., Rubin, L., & Pusic, A. (2011). Understanding Normality: A qualitative analysis of breast cancer patients concepts of normality after mastectomy and reconstructive surgery. Psycho-Oncology, 20, 553-558. DOI: 10.1002/pon.1762

    Rubin, L.R. & *Mazza, M.C. (2009). Breast Implants. Encyclopedia of Gender & Society. J. O’Brien (Ed). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

    *Fuller, C., Chang, D., & Rubin, L. (2009). Sliding Under the Radar: Passing and Power amongst Sexual Minorities. Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 3(2), 128-151.

    Rubin, L.R., Nemeroff, C.J., Russo, N.F. (2004). Exploring feminist women’s body consciousness. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 28, 27-37.

    Rubin, L.R., Fitts, M.L., & Becker, A.E. (2003). ‘Whatever feels good in my soul’: Body Ethics and Aesthetics among African American and Latina Women. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, 27, 49-75.

    *Indicates New School student author

    Current Courses

    Independent Study
    LPSY 3950, Fall 2024

    Independent Study
    GPSY 6990, Fall 2024

    Senior Work Project
    LPSY 4001, Fall 2024

    Future Courses

    Independent Study
    GPSY 6990, Spring 2025

    Senior Work Project
    LPSY 4001, Spring 2025

    Past Courses

    Independent Study
    GPSY 6990, Spring 2024

    Independent Study
    LPSY 3950, Spring 2024

    Research Methods
    GPSY 6238, Spring 2024

    Senior Work Project
    LPSY 4001, Spring 2024

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