• Faculty

  • Jaskiran Dhillon

    Associate Professor of Global Studies


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    Jaskiran Dhillon


    My scholarship, organizing, and teaching aims to work in the service of political movements advancing decolonization, justice, and freedom across the world.  

    Degrees Held

    PhD 2009 University of Pennsylvania; MA 1998 York University; BA 1996 University of Saskatchewan

    Professional Affiliation

    • Abolition Collective
    • Internal Editorial Board Member, Anthropology and Education Quarterly
    • North American and Indigenous Studies Association
    • American Studies Association
    • New York City Stands With Standing Rock Collective 
    • American Anthropological Association 

    Recent Publications


    Dhillon, J.  (2017) Prairie Rising: Indigenous Youth, Decolonization, and the Politics of Intervention. Toronto:  University of Toronto Press. 

    Dhillon, J. & Estes, N. (2019) Standing with Standing Rock:  Voices from the #NoDAPL Movement.  Minneapolois:  University of Minnesota Press (edited collection).


    Dhillon, J (2019). “Notes on Becoming An Accomplice” in Joanne Barker’s guest edited special issue  of American Indian Culture and Research Journal (forthcoming).

    Dhillon, J. (2018).  "Interview Reflections on Prairie Rising" in The Funambulist, Issue 20.

    Dhillon, J. (2018) “The Future of Anthropology Starts from Within” in Cultural Anthropology Hot Spots Series From Reciprocity to Relationality. Guest edited by Paige West.

    Dhillon, J. (2018) “Introduction: Indigenous Resurgence, Decolonization and Movements for Environmental Justice” in Jaskiran Dhillon’s guest edited special issue of Environment and Society, Volume 9. New York: Berghahn Books.

    Dhillon, J. (2018) “Indigenous Youth, Standing Rock, and the Rise of Anti-Colonial Entropy” in Macarena Gomez-Barris’ guest edited special issue of Social Texts.

    Dhillon, J.  (2018) “A Shared Commitment:  Concluding Reflections on Prairie Rising” Public Seminar, September 10 book forum on Prairie Rising.

    Dhillon, J. (2017) “What Standing Rock Teaches Us About Environmental Justice.” Just Environments SeriesItems (SSRC), December 5.

    Dhillon, J. (2017) “Thanksgiving Distorts History and Sugarcoats Continuing State Violence Against Indigenous People.”  Truthout, November 23.

    Dhillon, J. (2017) “Feminism Must be Lived:  An Interview with Sara Ahmed.” Truthout, May 21.

    Dhillon, J. (2016) "This Fight Has Become my Life and It's Not Over:  An Interview with Zaysha Grinnell" in #NODAPL Standing Rock HotSpots Series in Cultural Anthropology.  

    Dhillon, J & Estes, N. (2016) "Introduction: Standing Rock, #NODAPL and Mni Wiconi" in #NODAPL Standing Rock HotSpots Series in Cultural Anthropology. 

    Dhillon, J & Allooloo, S. (2016) “Dismantling Columbus and the Power of the Present.” Truthout, October 10.

    Dhillon, J. (2016) “Indigenous Youth are Building a Climate Justice Movement by Targeting Colonialism” Truthout, June 20.

    Dhillon, J. (2016).  "Support the Standing Rock Sioux" Public Seminar, September 6.

    Dhillon J, Chrisler, M, & Simpson, A. (2016). "The Standing Rock Syllabus Project" Public Seminar, October 21.

    Dhillon J, Subramanium, R, & Ticktin, M. (2016) "Moving Cambodia" International Institutite for Asian Studies.

    Dhillon, J & Allooloo, S. (2015)  "Violence Against Indigenous Women is Woven into Canada's History" The Guardian, December 14.

    Dhillon, J. (2015)  “Indigenous Girls and the Violence of Settler Colonial Policing” Decolonization:  Indigeneity, Education, and Society. Vol. 4 (3). Toronto:  University of Toronto Press. 

    Dhillon, J. (2014) “Eyes Wide Open” Nations Rising

    Dhillon, J. (2011) "Social Exclusion, Gender, and Access to Education in Canada: Narrative Account from Girls on the Street" Feminist Formations. Vol 23 (3). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

    Dhillon, J. (2011) “School is the Answer: Reflections on Fieldwork in Cambodia” Comparative International Education Society Newsletter, fall edition.

    Schultz, K., Brockenbrough, E., & Dhillon, J. (2005) “In Between Work and School: Youth Perspectives on an Afterschool Media Arts Program” in Afterschool Matters. New York: Occasional Paper Series, Robert Bowne Foundation.

    Dhillon, J. “Planetary Dystopia, Indigenous Resurgence, and the Struggle for Enviornmental Justice"  (under review).



    Dhillon, J. (2018)  “Indigenous Youth and the Changing Face of Settler Colonialism.” Edge Effects. March 6th. Available at http://edgeeffects.net/jaskiran-dhillon/

    Dhillon, J. (2017) "Ep. # 58 - Standing Rock Forever." Cultures of Energy Podcasts.

    Dhillon, J. (2016) "Ep. # 33 - Standing Rock.Cultures of Energy Podcasts.



    "India China Institue Research Fellow," The New School. 2018-2020

    "Civic Enagagement Mellon Research Grant," The New School. 2018-2019

    "Lang Opportunity Award for Research," Lang College, The New School.  2018-2019.

    "Mutual Mentoring," The New School Provost's Offfice. 2016-2017

    "Lang Opportunity Award for Research," Lang College, The New School.  2016-2017.

    “The Ground Shifts Beneath Our Feet: Youth, Education, and the Rebuilding of Cambodia,” Senior Research Fellowship at the Center for Khmer Studies. 2012-2013

    “Cambodia-US-France: Ethnography and Curatorial Practice,” The New School Provost’s Office Innovation in Education Fund (collaborative project). 2014-2015

    “Living Arts City,” The New School Provost’s Office Innovation in Education Fund (collaborative project). 2012-2013

    “Improving Access to Secondary Education for Girls in Rural Cambodia,” United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (in partnership with the Ponheary Ly Foundation). 2012-2013

    “Cambodia and the Politics of Education and Post-Conflict Reconstruction,” The New School Provost’s Office Faculty Research Fund. 2011-2012

    “Cambodia and the Politics of Education and Post-Conflict Reconstruction,” Eugene Lang College-American University in Paris Mellon Fund. 2011-2012

    “Struggles for Access: Examining the Educational Experiences of Homeless Young Women and Girls in Canada, National Homelessness Secretariat,” Government of Canada (in partnership with Justice for Girls). 2004-2005 

    “Until All of Us are Home: The Process of Leadership at Project H.O.M.E.,” Ford Foundation in partnership with the Advocacy Institute and the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, New York University. 2003-2004

    “In Between Work and School: Youth Perspectives on After-School Media Arts Program,” Robert Bowne Foundation. 2002-2003



    #NODAPL:  A Teach-In for Standing Rock at The New School

    Faculty Director, Lang in Cambodia

    Lang in Cambodia Blog

    On Teaching and Learning at The New School



    2017 "Notes on Becoming an Accomplice" at Nuit Blanche, Toronto Ontario (in collaboration with Siku Allooloo and Maria Hupfield). 

    2015 “Futurographies” at the Sheila C. Johnson Design Center’s Arnold and Sheila Aronson Gallery, The New School.

    2013 “Cambodia: Drop by Drop You Will Feel the Water” at the Sheila C. Johnson Design Center’s Arnold and Sheila Aronson Gallery, The New School.



    Indigenous Youth and Settler Colonialism in the City. Princeton University, Princeton, March 2019. 

    Indigenous Resistance and Environmental Justice. Northern Arizona University, February 2019.

    Anti-Colonial Critiques of Environmental Justice.  Dartmouth College, February 2019.

    Indigenous Youth and Standing Rock.  Reconfiguring the Future Conference, New York City, February 2019.

    Anti-Colonial Critique and the Poltiics of Climate Change.  Democracy XChange, Ryerson University, January 2019.

    Notes on Dean Saranillio's Unsustainable Empire. Department of Social and Cultural Analysis. New York University, December 2018.

    Book Talk on Prairie Rising. Department of International and Transcultural Studies, Teachers College, December 2018.

    Settler Colonialism and State Security. Decolonizing International Relations Conference, Tufts University, October 2018.

    Extractivism, Indigenous Resistance and the Politics of Environmental Justice.  BRIC, New York, October 2018.

    Book Talk on Prairie Rising. Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences. CUNY, New York, October 2018.

    What Is Offered by the Environmental Humanities? CUNY, New York, September 2018.

    Climate Change, Decolonization, and Ways of Seeing. Verso Books, New York, September 2018.

    Indigenous Resistance, Planetary Dystopia, and the Politics of Environmental Justice.  School of Environmental Studies, University of Victoria, September 2018.

    Reflections on Prairie Rising with Jaskiran Dhillon and Manu Vimalassery. Indigenous Studies Seminar Series, Columbia University, New York City, May 2018.

    Book Talk on Prairie Rising. Department of American Indian Studies. UCLA, Los Angeles, April 2018.

    Book Talk on Prairie Rising. Department of Women and Gender Studies, UC Riverside, Riverside, April 2018.

    Sustaining Our Land, Sustaining Our People:  Indigenous Ecologies and Environments:  A Conversation with Winona LaDuke, Jaskiran Dhillon, Dean Saranillio, and Courtney Lewis. New York University, New York City, April 2018.

    Indigenous Women, Colonialism, and the History of Violence.  Justice on the Reservation. Columbia University, New York City, April 2018.

    Indigenous Youth, Standing Rock, and the Rise of Anti-Colonial Entropy.  Uprising 13/13. Columbia University, New York City, April 2018.

    Book Talk on Prairie Rising. Department of Childhood and Youth Studies. Rutgers University, Camden, April 2018.

    Standing Rock and Critiques of Environmental Justice. Global South Center at Pratt Institute, New York City, March 2018.

    Sawyer Seminar Book Workshop.  University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, February 2018.

    Keynote Address:  Planetary Dystopia, Indigenous Resurgence, and the Fight for Environmental Justice. Graduate Student Symposium, Center for Culture, History and the Environment.   University of Wisconsin, Madison, February 2018.

    Book Talk on Prairie Rising. Department of Anthropology. University of Toronto, Toronto, February 2018.

    Book Talk on Prairie Rising. Department of Sociology and the Center for Feminist Research. York University, Toronto, February 2018.

    Book Talk on Prairie Rising. Department of Native Studies. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, January 2018.

    Book Talk on Prairie Rising. Department of Women’s and Gender Studies. University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, January 2018.

    Book Talk on Prairie Rising and Workshop on Building Indigenous Studies in the Academy. Humanities Institute, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, December 2017.

    Book Talk on Prairie Rising. Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.  Yale University, New Haven, November 2017.

    Book Talk on Prairie Rising and Workshop on Anti-Colonialism in Environmental Justice.  Political Ecology Speakers Series, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, November 2017.

    Critical Reflections on Jaskiran Dhillon’s Prairie Rising:  Indigenous Youth, Decolonization, and the    Politics of Intervention. American Studies Association Annual Meeting (with Sherene Razack, Melanie Yazzie, Sandy Grande, and K-Sue Park), Chicago, November 2017.

    Primary Session:  Planetary Dystopia, Indigenous Resurgence, and the Fight for Environmental Justice. Human Rights Conference on Environmental Politics, Webster University, St. Louis, October 2017.

    Radical Pedagogy in the US Academy. Abolition Convergence, Minneapolis, October 2017.

    Book Talk on Prairie Rising. Department of Political Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, October 2017.

    Ethics and Research in Insecure Spaces:  A Workshop. State Security Conference, Yale University, New Haven, September 2017.

    Launch of Jaskiran Dhillon’s Prairie Rising.  Station 20 West and Indigenous Studies at the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, September 2017

    Jaskiran Dhillon's Prairie Rising: Author Meets Critics. North American Indigenous Studies  Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver (University of British Columbia with Glen Coulthard, Audra Simpson, Verna St. Denis, Robert Nichols, and Tasha Hubbard), June 2017.

    #NODAPL: Standing Rock, Indigenous Resurgence, and Scales of Colonial Violence. Race Gender and Disposability Workshop, Los Angeles, UCLA, May 2017.

    Police Violence and Indigenous Women in Canada. American Association of Geographers, Boston, April   2017.

    Water Politics and Environmental Racism. Decolonization: Environment and Life Resources  Workshop, Columbia University, April 2017.

    Building an Anti-Colonial Critique of the Environmental Justice Movement, Environmental Political Theory Workshop, Western Political Science Association, Vancouver, April 2017.

    Prairie Rising: Indigenous Youth, Decolonization, and the Politics of Intervention,' by Jaskiran Dhillon,  Author Meets Critics. Western Political Science Association Annual Conference, Vancouver (with Glen Coulthard, Robert Nichols, Annabel Webb, and Kevin Bruyneel), April 2017.

    Standing Rock and the Rise of Multiple Front-Lines, Earth Week Special Panel on Indigenous Resistance to Climate Change, The New School, April 2017.

    Notes on Becoming An Accomplice. NO BAN ON STOLEN LAND:  A Teach-In on Standing Rock. New York University, April 2017.

    Techniques of Resistance, Indigeneity, Stack, Sovereignty. The New School (Vera List Center) New York, March 2017.

    Critical Reflections on #NODAPL and Standing Rock. New York, New York University, March 2017.

    #NODAPL: Indigenous Resistance at Standing Rock:  A Teach In. Greensboro North Carolina, February 2017.

    Opening Remarks: A Teach in for Standing Rock. A Teach-in For Standing Rock, New York, The New School, December 2016.

    "Reflections on Standing Rock" Guest Lecture, City College of New York.  New York, December 2016.

    "Opening Remarks" #NODAPL:  A Teach in for Standing Rock at The New School. New York, December 2016.

    "Reflections on Politicized Allyship at Standing Rock" American Studies Association Emergency Panel on Standing Rock.  Denver, November 2016. 

    "Out of the Past:  Race, Affect, and Radical Futures" (Discussant and Chair) American Political Science Association Conference.  Philadelphia, September 2016.

    "Planetary Dystopia, Indigenous Resurgence, and the Struggle for Climate Justice."  Abolitionist/Decolonial Politics Conference (WPSA), San Diego, March 2016.

    "Becoming An Accomplice." Yale University, New Haven, March 2016.

    “The Making of Crisis Stories: Indigenous Youth and Settler Colonialism in Canada.” Critical Ethnic Studies Conference, York University, Toronto, April 2015.

    “Indigenous Girls and the Violence of Settler Colonial Policing.” Sallows Fry Conference (College of Law), University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, May 2015.

    “Indigenous New Media: Opening Remarks.” Indigenous New Media Symposium, New School University, New York, February 2014.

    “Politics and Power in Research Collaborations.” American Anthropological Association (AAA) Annual Conference, Chicago, November 2013.

    “The Time of Youth: Book Talk and Discussion (discussant).” Development and Thought Seminar Series, New School University, New York, November 2013.

    “School is the Answer: Reflections on Fieldwork in Cambodia.” Comparative International Education Conference (CIES), San Juan, April 2012.

    “Prairie Rising: Urban Aboriginal Youth and Ethnographic Encounters with the Land of Living Skies.” Guest Lecture, Educational Foundations, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, March 2012.

    “Out of the Classroom and into the World:  Study Abroad, Civic Engagement, and Lang in Cambodia.” American University of Paris Guest Lecture, Paris, November 2011.

    “Cambodia, Education and the Politics of Post-Conflict Reconstruction.” American Anthropological Association (AAA) Annual Conference, Montreal, November 2011.

    “Manufacturing Partnership: Indigenous Rights and Education.” Comparative International Education Conference (CIES), Montreal, May 2011.

    “Indigenous Youth and State Interventions in Canada.” American Anthropological Association (AAA) Annual Conference, San Francisco, November 2008.

    “GAINING Access: Homeless Young Women, Sexual Exploitation, and Education.” Human Trafficking Conference, Saskatoon, May 2007.

    “Constructions of Youth and Young Adult Education: Examining the Role of Development Agencies in Globalization, Governance, and Youth Development.” XVI ISA World Congress of Sociology, Durban, South Africa, July 2006.

    “Struggles for Access: Examining the Educational Experiences of Homeless Young Women and Girls in Canada.” Canadian Conference on Homelessness, York University, May 2005.

    “Justice for Girls: Housing, Education, and Criminalization.” National Conference on Women and the Law, Women’s Rights and Freedoms, Vancouver, BC, April 2005.

    “When Do We Get Access: Expanding Notions of Literacy for Youth in Community-Based Settings.” The Eleventh International Literacy and Education Research Network Conference on Learning, Havana, Cuba, June 2004.

    Research Interests

    Anthropology of the state, critical indigenous studies, settler colonialism, youth studies, anthropology of development, anti-racist and Indigenous feminism and ethnographic/curatorial methods. My first book, Prairie Rising: Indigenous Youth, Decolonization, and the Politics of Intervention, is a critical, ethnographic inquiry into colonial state interventions in the lives of urban indigenous youth. I am currently working on two research/advocacy projects: 1) A new ethnographic project focused on theorizing how conquest and ongoing settler colonial violence necessarily factor into debates over the climate crisis. How is indigeneity taken up in “climate justice”? How are Indigenous political struggles for decolonization and freedom made both audible and powerful within the broader scope of impending planetary dystopia? 2) A long-term ethnographic project exploring the politics of development and youth organizing in contemporary Cambodia, India, and the United States. 

    Awards And Honors

    Distinguished University Teaching Award in Diversity and Social Justice, The New School, 2017.

    Current Courses

    Global Engagement Colloquium
    UGLB 3903, Spring 2025

    Future Courses

    Intro to Global Studies
    UGLB 2110, Fall 2025

    Politics of Violence
    UGLB 3515, Fall 2025

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