• Faculty

  • Gustav Peebles

    Associate Professor of Anthropology


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    Gustav Peebles


    Concentrations: Exchange theory; monetary history, theory, and policy; ethnography of the state and the emergent state; history, theory and practice of socialism; Economic theory; economic traditionalism; utopian visions; production of space; black markets; debt; social theory; European Union/Scandinavia.

    Peebles also teaches in The New School's Global Studies program.

    Degrees Held

    BA 1993, Dartmouth College
    MA 1998, University of Chicago
    PhD 2003, University of Chicago

    Recent Publications

    Publications Available Here: https://newschool.academia.edu/GustavPeebles

    2015 "Exchange." Entry in the International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Drs. D. Boyer and U. Hannerz, eds. 

    2014 "Rehabilitating the Hoard: The Social Dynamics of Unbanking in Africa and Beyond." Africa. 84(4): 595-613.

    2013 "Washing Away the Sins of Debt: The Nineteenth-Century Eradication of the Debtors' Prison". Comparative Studies in Society and History, 55(3):701-724

    2012 "Filth and Lucre: The Dirty Money Complex as a Taxation Regime". Anthropological Quarterly, Vol. 85, No. 4, p. 1229–1256, ISSN 0003-5491. © 2012 by the Institute for Ethnographic Research (IFER) a part of the George Washington University.

    2012  "Whitewashing and leg-bailing: on the spatiality of debt".  Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale 20, 4 429–443. European Association of Social Anthropologists.

    2011 "For a Love of False Consciousness: Adam Smith on the Social Origins of Scarcity." Economic Sociology: The European Economic Newsletter, 12(3): 19-25

    2011 The Euro and Its Rivals: Currency and the Construction of a Transnational City. University of Indiana Press. Series in New Anthropologies of Europe, editors Daphne Berdahl, Matti Bunzl & Michael Herzfeld. 

    2010 "The Anthropology of Credit and Debt." Annual Review of Anthropology.

    2008 “Inverting the Panopticon: Money and the Nationalization of the Future.” Public Culture (volume 20, number 2).

    2008 “Pierre Bourdieu.” Entry for the International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. W. Darity and David Scott, eds. MacMillan Publishing.

    2008 “A Geography of Debauchery: State-Building and the Mobilization of Labor Versus Leisure on a European Union Border.” European Journal of Anthropology(51).

    2005 The Field Notes of Christoph von Furer Haimendorf. DART/Columbia Libraries. 

    2004 "The Crown Capitulates: Conflations of National Currency and Global Capital in the Swedish Currency Crisis." Market Matters: Exploring Cultural Processes in the Global Marketplace. Garsten, Christina & Monica Lindh de Montoya, eds. Palgrave), 180-206

    2004 "A Wicked Cheat: ATMs and the Neo-Feudal Economy." Harper's Magazine 72-73. Reprinted in (Catherine Latterell, ed.) Re-Mix: Reading and Composing Culture. (Bedford/St. Martin’s Publishing Group), 617-622, 2006.

    2003 “Jesus Hates New York.” The Believer 1(8): 40-48. Reprinted in (Glenn Yeffeth, ed) The Man from Krypton. (Dallas, TX: BenBella Books), 77-93, 2006.

    1997 "A Very Eden of the Innate Rights of Man?: A Marxist Look at the European Union Treaties and Case Law." Law and Social Inquiry 22(3): 581-618

    Research Interests

    History and transnational reform movements of credit and debt legislation in Europe; techniques of savings vs. hoarding; relationship between money and the body in legislation and daily practice; ongoing project to digitize archival fieldnotes from seminal ethnographers.


    Gustav Peebles Publications

    Current Courses

    Independent Study
    GANT 6990, Fall 2024

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