Emma Lieber
Part-time Assistant Professor
Office Location
A - 66 West 12th Street
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Emma Lieber is a literary scholar and psychoanalyst in private practice in New York. Her work focuses on psychoanalytic theory (Freud and Lacan); psychoanalysis and literature; novel theory and literary realism (particularly the nineteenth-century Russian and Victorian novel); reality television; queer theory and gender studies; and autotheory and other genres of self-writing.
Degrees Held
Ph.D. Columbia University, 2011
B.A. Yale University, 2002
Recent Publications
The Writing Cure (Bloomsbury 2020)
The Queerness of Childhood: Essays from the Other Side of the Looking Glass (forthcoming, Palgrave Macmillan 2021), co-edited with Anna Fishzon.
Research Interests
Psychoanalysis and literature, queer theory, gender/sexuality, authotheory/self-writing, Russian literature, the novel/novel theory, realism, reality television
Awards And Honors
ACLS New Faculty Fellowship, Rutgers University (2013-2015)
Whiting Foundation Fellowship (2010-2011)