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  • David Bering-Porter

    Assistant Professor of Culture and Media


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    David Bering-Porter


    David Bering-Porter is Assistant Professor of Culture and Media at the Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts at The New School. David has lectured, taught, and published on zombie movies and other forms of Black horror, generative media and artificial intelligence, and the intersections of race, culture, and digital theory. David is a founding member of the Digital Theory Lab at New York University and is an ongoing member of the steering committee for the Code as a Liberal Art program at The New School. His current book project, under contract with University of Minnesota Press, is titled Undead Labor and is a study of the ways that race, labor, and value come together in the mediated body of the zombie. His writing has also appeared in journals such as Critical Inquiry, Flow, MIRAJ, Post 45, Culture Machine and the Los Angeles Review of Books.


    Degrees Held

    Ph.D. in Modern Culture and Media

    Brown University (Providence, RI), 2011


    M.A. in Modern Culture and Media

    Brown University (Providence, RI), 2006


    B.S. summa cum laude in Psychology

    Excelsior College (Albany, NY), 2003

    Recent Publications

    2022    “Data as Symbolic Form: Datafication and the Imaginary Media of W. E. B. Du Bois” published as part of “Surplus Data: On the New Life of Quantity,” a special issue of Critical Inquiry  Volume 48, Number 2 (Winter 2022). https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/717308?journalCode=ci.

    (Refereed Journal Article)


    2021    “A Philosophy of Refraction: Vilém Flusser’s Speculative Biology and the Study of Paramedia” in Understanding Flusser, Understanding Modernism, ed. Aaron Jaffe, Rodrigo Martini, and Michael Miller. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. (Refereed Book Chapter)


    2020    “Analogy in Ruins: Populism, Transgression, and the Zombie.” Culture Machine 19 (2020): https://culturemachine.net/vol-19-media-populism/analogy-in-ruins-david-bering-porter/ (Refereed Journal Article)


    2020    “Media Prophylaxis: Reality TV in the Time of COVID-19,” themed week on “Pandemic Media” for In Media Res: A Media Commons Project (April 2020): http://mediacommons.org/imr/content/media-pandemic (Online Publication)


    2019    “White Nostalgia.” In “Stranger Things and Nostalgia Now,” a special cluster edited by Joel Burges and Jason Middleton at Post45 as part of the Contemporaries section. (July 2019): https://post45.org/2019/07/white-nostalgia/  (Online Publication)


    2018    “Necrorealism: Turning Bare Life into Art.” All the Russias (the official blog of the NYU Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia). Published in two-parts on February 22 and 26, 2018. http://jordanrussiacenter.org/news/necrorealism-turning-bare-life-art-part/#.Wqwd6pPwZp9 and http://jordanrussiacenter.org/news/necrorealism-turning-bare-life-art-part-ii/#.WqweSZPwZp8 (Online Publication)


    2016    “Boutique Ethnicity: On African Ancestry and Neoliberal Economies of the Self” for The Postcolonial World, edited by Jyotsna Singh and David D. Kim. New York and London: Routledge. (Refereed Book Chapter)


    2016    “Loops within Loops: Reflections on the Work of Marco Brambilla.” Flow (Volume 23, Special Issue: Loop Media). U Texas Austin. (Refereed Journal Article)

    Research Interests

    Film and Media Studies                                                          Generative Media and Digital Theory

                Black Horror                                                                             AI and Generative Media

                Folk Horror and The New Weird                                                Embodied Media

                Zombie Movies and Exploitation Cinema                                   Information and Cybernetics

                Media Archaeology                                                                   Data Visualization


    Critical Race Studies and Postcolonial Theory                      Science & Technology Studies

                Postcolonial Theory                                                                  Genetics and Heredity

                Contemporary Marxism                                                             History of Race

                Psychoanalysis and Subjectivity                                                 Biopolitics and Neoliberalism   

                Afrofuturism and Afropessimism                                               Technology and Aesthetics


    Current Courses

    Economies of the Self
    LCST 3127, Fall 2024

    Independent Senior Project
    LCST 4990, Fall 2024

    Independent Study
    LCST 3950, Fall 2024

    Visuality and Data
    NMDS 5459, Fall 2024

    Visuality and Data
    LCST 4527, Fall 2024

    Future Courses

    Digital Media and Race
    LCST 2784, Spring 2025

    Independent Senior Project
    LCST 4990, Spring 2025

    Independent Study
    LCST 3950, Spring 2025

    Introduction to Media Studies
    LCST 2450, Spring 2025

    LCST 4250, Spring 2025

    Past Courses

    Folk Horror
    LCST 3112, Spring 2024

    Generative Media and AI
    LCST 4575, Spring 2024

    Generative Media and AI
    NMDS 5458, Spring 2024

    Independent Senior Project
    LCST 4990, Spring 2024

    Independent Study
    LCST 3950, Spring 2024

    Introduction to Media Studies
    LCST 2450, Spring 2024

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