• Financial Aid & Funding

  • A variety of forms of financial assistance, including institutional tuition scholarships and need based financial aid, are available for applicants to the Bachelor's Program for Adults and Transfer Students, including international students. 

    New School Tuition Scholarships

    All new students admitted to the Bachelor's Program for Adults and Transfer Students for the 2025–2026 academic year are eligible for an adult completion scholarship and will not have to pay the full cost of tuition. No additional application components are required for this university scholarship.

    This adult completion scholarship is available to students pursuing full-time and part-time study (enrollment in at least 6 credits per semester), on campus or online. Scholarships are renewable each year of enrollment, provided that satisfactory academic performance is maintained.

    Need-Based Financial Aid

    The Office of Financial Aid can answer questions about applying for need-based financial aid, calculating the overall cost of attendance, and billing and payment options.
    Students may apply for need-based financial aid before they receive an admission decision. Need-based financial aid will be evaluated and awarded if the student is admitted. It is not necessary to have received an admission decision in order to begin the financial aid process. All new and continuing U.S. citizens and eligible non-citizen students should file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

    Additional Scholarships

    Students are automatically considered for the following scholarships, based on eligibility, during the regular application process. Need-based aid applications may also be used in awarding these scholarships.

    University Scholars Program

    This need-based program is designed to recruit and retain a diverse student body. Degree students in all academic divisions and programs of The New School are automatically considered as long as they are U.S. citizens or permanent residents and have filed the FAFSA. Need-based scholarships are also available and awarded depending on a student's demonstrated financial need. Need is determined on the basis of the FAFSA (for U.S. citizens and eligible permanent residents) or the International Student Scholarship Application. Need-based financial aid may come in the form of federal and/or state loans, grants, and work study.

    Community College Scholarships

    The New School offers two scholarships specifically for applicants to the Bachelor's Program for Adults and Transfer Students who have attended community college. Applicants to the program are automatically considered for these scholarships upon admission consideration, and both are renewable annually, provided the recipients maintain satisfactory academic progress.

    Phi Theta Kappa Scholarships

    Members of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) are recognized for academic achievement. PTK students who are offered admission will automatically be awarded the PTK scholarship, in addition to any other scholarships they are eligible for.

    Community College Transfer Scholarships

    Scholarships are awarded each year to community college transfer students who demonstrate qualities that The New School believes contribute to the strength and diversity of its student body. Undergraduate applicants to the Bachelor's Program for Adults and Transfer Students are automatically considered for these awards.

    Scholarships Requiring Applications

    Thanks to the generosity of three philanthropic organizations, the Schools of Public Engagement's (SPE) Bachelor’s Program for Adults and Transfer Students (BPATS) is announcing a call for applications for scholarships for the fall 2025 and spring 2026 academic year. Complete the BPATS Donor Scholarships Application Form.

    The deadline to apply is Friday, April 18, 2025, 12:00 midnight U.S. Eastern time.

    Current BPATS students as well as those who are admitted for the fall 2025 entering class are eligible to apply. 

    Parsons, Lang, and College of Performing Arts students are not eligible for these scholarships. To check your school affiliation, log in to MyNewSchool, click on the Academics tab, and go to Academic Profile to find your school.

    If you are thinking of applying to the BPATS program, email [email protected] for questions about the application process. Review information for each available scholarship:

    The Joan Howard Kersner Memorial Scholarship in Theater and Performing Arts

    The Kersner Scholarship is dedicated to helping students focused on careers in the performing arts. This award is open to both full- and part-time students of any age who plan to attend classes on the NYC campus or online. Kersner applicants must meet these criteria.

    • Coursework must indicate a strong interest in theater and performing arts. You must be planning a career in theater and performing arts—intending to act, dance, perform, or compose music. Actors, dancers, and musicians who plan to teach performing arts or work as art therapists using drama, dance, and music to treat patients may also apply.

    • The applicant must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA.

    • The applicant must submit two letters of recommendation in PDF, DOC, or DOCX format. At least one recommendation must be from a New School faculty member. If your recommenders give you the letters, you may attach them to your BPATS Donor Scholarships Application, or your recommenders may email them to [email protected].

    • The applicant must be enrolled for at least three credits in each semester that the scholarship is awarded, both fall 2025 and spring 2026.

    • The applicant must be pursuing their first bachelor’s degree.

    • The applicant must be able to demonstrate financial need, not necessarily based on FAFSA; however, a FAFSA must be filed and submitted to the federal government at the time of application. International students must demonstrate financial need through means other than FAFSA.

      The Jacobson/Newcombe Scholarship

      The Jacobson/Newcombe Scholarship is for mature students aged 25 and older who are returning to college to complete their degree after a hiatus from a previous institution. This award is open to both full-and part-time students who are taking the majority of their courses on campus. Jacobson/Newcombe applicants must meet these criteria:

      • The applicant must have overcome serious financial hardships to continue their education.

      • The applicant must have completed a minimum of 60 credits toward their degree at The New School or a previous institution.

      • The applicant must maintain a GPA of at least 2.5. 

        The Osher Reentry Scholarship Program

        The Osher Reentry Scholarship targets high achieving, mature undergraduate students who have returned to finish their degree after a break of five years or more. If you have taken classes at a community college in the last five years, you may still apply. This award is open to both full- and part-time students. Students must take the majority of their courses on the NYC campus. Osher applicants must meet these criteria: 

        • The applicant must have a gap in education of five or more years from a four-year institution. The gap can be cumulative and not continuous. Community college attendance counts towards the gap period.

        • The applicant must have earned a minimum of 30 credits in the liberal arts from an accredited university or college. This may include courses taken at The New School.

        • The applicant must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA.

        • The applicant must anticipate U.S. workforce participation for a significant period of time after graduation.

          Additional Information

          Funds awarded from these scholarships will be applied only toward tuition expenses. The award does not cover costs of books, child-care, transportation, etc. A committee of faculty and administrators in consultation with the office of Student Financial Services will review applications.

          You must have filed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). File your FAFSA as soon as possible if you haven't already. If awarded a scholarship, a thank you letter to the Foundation is mandatory. International students are exempt from the FAFSA requirement.

          Eligible students who applied before and those who previously received one of these scholarships may apply again. Selections are expected to be announced in July 2025. You must include a phone number and email address where we can reach you during the summer.  

          Read all the application instructions below so you do not miss essential information. We cannot accept applications that do not follow the guidelines. Questions? Email us at [email protected] by noon on Friday, April 11z.   

          If you are a new BPATS student interested in these scholarships, you must have already been formally admitted to the program when you submit the BPATS Donor Scholarships Application Form.

          How to Apply

          To apply, please submit the BPATS Donor Scholarships Application Form. The deadline to apply is Friday, April 18, 2025, 12:00 midnight U.S. Eastern time.

          Veteran Benefits

          The New School has a long history of welcoming veterans to its various courses and degree programs, recognizing the unique life experience and exceptional potential only those who have served can claim. Contact the Center for Military-Affiliated Students for help with accessing your VA benefits.

        • Take the Next Step

        • Contact Us

          Admission Contact
          Office of Undergraduate Admission
          72 Fifth Avenue, 1st floor
          New York, NY 10011
          [email protected]
          212.229.5150 or 800.292.3040

        • Take The Next Step

        Submit your application


        To apply to any of our undergraduate programs (except the Bachelor's Program for Adults and Transfer Students and Parsons Associate of Applied Science programs) complete and submit the Common App online.

        Undergraduate Adult Learners

        To apply to any of our Bachelor's Program for Adults and Transfer Students and Parsons Associate of Applied Science programs, complete and submit the New School Online Application.


        To apply to any of our Master's, Doctoral, Professional Studies Diploma, and Graduate Certificate programs, complete and submit the New School Online Application.
