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Research keywords:
Trauma; Mindfulness; Meditation; Interracial; Interpersonal
Dissertation title:
Prosociality and Prejudice in a Pandemic: Mindfulness, Buddhist Values, and Social Justice During Covid-19
Dissertation abstract:
Response to others in times of crisis can be extremely varied, which was evidenced during the recent Covid-19 pandemic. Stories of both prosocial (e.g. Goldberg, 2020) and prejudiced (e.g. Eligon & Burch, 2020) responses abounded. We investigated how the mindfulness tradition and social justice impacted how people remained prosocial and resisted prejudice during the pandemic. 544 adult participants from across the United States were recruited for an online survey hosted by Qualtrics. Social Justice values and Buddhist values, but not Mindfulness, were found to be among those factors that guide us towards greater care and nonharm for others, particularly those that are most vulnerable during the crisis. Further research is required to clarify this relationship, including understanding any causal impact, but the current study offers a first step in this direction.
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