The Religious Studies minor is offered through Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts.
The subject matter challenges boundaries, definitions, and methodologies. Students acquire a broad appreciation of the varieties of human experience across cultures and time. Learn more about this
program and how it draws on the resources of the university and New York City.
The Religious Studies minor requires completion of 18-20 credits, distributed as follows, and a minimum of 18 credits:
- LREL 3004 Theorizing Religion (4 credits)
- 1 LREL course focusing on Western religious traditions (4 credits)
- 1 LREL course focusing on non-Western religious traditions (4 credits)
- 2 courses in an area of special competence, chosen in consultation with the program director (6-8 credits)
Total credits: 18-20
Students must receive a grade of C or better in all courses taken to fulfill the minor. See the university course catalog for fall 2025 Religious Studies courses that fulfill these requirements.
Minors are available to undergraduate students across The New School. Students pursuing a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts can pursue deeper study in this subject area by designing aspects of their curriculum. They may choose to
focus on religious studies as a whole or to identify an area of interest, such as religion and social change, religious art, Buddhist studies, anthropological approaches to religion, women and religion, or mysticism and philosophy. They may choose
to pursue a suggested course sequence or design their own program of study, in consultation with a faculty advisor. Students interested in pursuing a guided area of study are encouraged to consult with their Student Success advisor and the director
of the Religious Studies program before their junior year. Read more about the Liberal Arts major at Lang.
If you are considering the minor in Religious Studies, please meet with your Student Success advisor to discuss how a minor will fit in with your overall degree requirements. If you have additional questions about requirements for the Religious Studies
minor that cannot be answered by your Student Success advisor, please consult Religious Studies Director Mark Larrimore at larrimom@newschool.edu or 212.229.5100 x2234.
To join the Religious Studies contact list and receive notices of upcoming events, contact the program by email. Please indicate whether you are a student or a faculty member.
How to Declare or Change a Minor
General guidelines for declaring a minor are available here. Current students can declare or change a minor by logging in to my.newschool.edu, clicking on the Academics tab,
and then clicking on the link to Major/Minor Declarations.