There are lots of changes that take place from high school to college. For example, in high school, classes were held five days a week. In college, some classes only meet once a week. In high school, your teachers gave you homework and exams on a regular basis. In college, weeks can go by before a project or paper is due and before an exam is given. Thus, college requires a great deal of independent work and self-motivation.
Services for students with disabilities are requested and provided differently as well. For example, in high school students with disabilities are sometimes provided with specialized instruction, whereas in college all students are taught in the same class and in the same general format. Another big difference has to do with who requests services. In college, it is the responsibility of the individual student to request services.
Even if you have submitted documentation of a disability and related accommodation requests, we cannot force a particular accommodation on you. For example, if you are eligible for extended time on in-class exams but choose not to request this accommodation, then that is your right. Even if your parents want you to take advantage of the extended time, it is ultimately your decision.
Self Advocacy Tips
Be aware of your needs and bring them to the attention of Student Disability Services in a timely manner.
If you decide not to request services/accommodations, be sure to discuss this with Student Disability Services as well as the professional who provided you with your documentation.
Remember, we are here to help, but communication is a two-way street.