• Middle States Review

  • Since 1960, The New School has been accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE). The New School’s accreditation was re-affirmed in 2014. It is now time for our 2021-2024 Self-Study, which is a comprehensive process of internal research and reporting that allows us to reflect on how we are meeting our priorities and to demonstrate compliance with MSCHE’s standards. After we submit a comprehensive Self-Study Report in 2023, a team of peer reviewers will visit The New School to conduct their own evaluation in spring 2024.

    This site will be updated as the Self-Study progresses.

    If you have any questions, please contact Prisca Wood, Assistant Provost of Compliance and Accreditation. 

    Summer 2024 Update

    ‌This April, we welcomed a peer evaluation team from the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) to our campus for our cyclical reaffirmation of accreditation. Over three days, the team held more than 20 meetings with The New School’s thoughtful and candid faculty, staff, students, and trustees. The team used these conversations, along with our Self-Study, to craft a comprehensive report on their findings.

    On May 1, we gathered as a community to hear the team's oral report. While we can't share specifics until the process concludes later this year, I'm pleased to say that their feedback suggested strong compliance with MSCHE standards. They also highlighted opportunities for us to improve our institutional effectiveness and act upon our commitment to our mission and goals.

    The next step in this journey is MSCHE's deliberations on both our Self-Study and the Team Report at their November meeting. We will receive feedback on our accreditation shortly after.

    We want to extend our endless thanks to everyone who contributed to this process—especially those who expressed challenging opinions along the way. Your dedication has not only helped with our re-accreditation process but also provided a basis upon which to change for the better.

    We'll keep you updated as we learn more. In the meantime, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

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      Provost's Office
      66 West 12th Street
      New York, NY 10011
      [email protected]
      Fax: 212.229.8583

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