Teaching Assistants support faculty by fulfilling a range of instructional responsibilities. These may include leading discussion sections, delivering lectures, assisting with classroom management, assigning homework, assessing student work, administering
exams, and maintaining attendance and other records. TAs work under the close supervision of the instructor of record, who designs the syllabus and determines course content.
The Provost’s Office coordinates the selection process for most TA positions at The New School, working in close consultation with the departments sponsoring the courses and the faculty who teach them. All hiring decisions are made by these departments.
Minimum Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must meet the following minimum eligibility qualifications by the time of application in order to be considered for a TA position. These requirements vary depending on the school to which
the applicant is applying.
Applicants’ home schools and departments determine their initial eligibility (please note that eligibility does not guarantee final selection). The departments that sponsor the courses for which TAs will be selected then make all hiring decisions.
Applicants for most TA positions at the university:
- Must be matriculated (enrolled in courses or maintaining status) in the semester(s) in which they will be Teaching Assistants
- Must stay within the time limit for attaining their degree
- Must not have more than 33 percent of attempted course credits marked as incomplete
- Must have a cumulative GPA of 3.4 or above
- If in a master’s degree program, must be on track to complete 50 percent of their master’s degree program by the end of the spring 2025 semester (MFA Photography, MArch Architecture, and MA International Affairs students are eligible to serve as TAs
in the second year of their studies)
Applicants for TA positions offered by departments at The New School for Social Research:
- Must be matriculated (enrolled in courses or maintaining status) in the semester(s) in which they will be Teaching Assistants
- Must stay within the time limit for attaining their degree
- Must not have more than 33 percent of attempted course credits marked as incomplete
Basic Responsibilities
All Teaching Assistants support the instructors of record for their classes by assisting with instructional responsibilities, but specific duties may vary by position.
All Teaching Assistants are expected to:
- Consult regularly with the instructor of record
- Attend all required course meetings
- Learn how to use Starfish and other university systems
- Familiarize themselves with Student Services and other university offices, so that students can be referred for support or assistance as needed
- Abide by all university academic and personnel policies and guidelines, including completion of the FERPA tutorial
In addition, TAs may also in some cases:
- Lead discussion sections
- Make themselves available to students who need individual academic assistance
- Assist with classroom management
- Assign homework
- Assess student work
- Provide grades and other feedback to students
- Administer exams
- Maintain attendance and other records
Finally, Teaching Assistants may:
- Attend an optional orientation in August or January
- Participate in a tuition-free, zero-credit course, UPED 6201 Topics in Pedagogy, and other professional development opportunities
Specific duties will be outlined in your appointment letter. Under no circumstances should a TA work more than the assigned number of hours, perform duties not assigned, work outside of the semester in which they are appointed, or pay for work-related
2024–2025 Teaching Assistantships
Applications for the 2024–2025 academic year are closed. The application for the 2025–2026 academic year will open in April 2025.
Information on this Teaching Assistant Opportunities document indicates which colleges and schools are looking for Teaching Assistants. The information was last revised on March 10 and may change depending on enrollments and course cancellation. Conversely, additional opportunities may become available. When this happens, applications will be distributed to the faculty teaching these courses for review.
While on the site, applicants should also review these three documents:
Before applying, carefully read the information below and review the TA Opportunities document. On the online application, you can indicate your preference for up to six courses that require TAs.
To apply, log in to the university careers website:
- Click the Students button.
- Select the job in Teaching Assistantships 2025–2026.
- Click on Apply to This Job.
- Create an account if you do not yet have one.
- Following the instructions, complete and submit the online application form.
Provide a cover letter of no more than two pages that includes the following information:
- Your academic and professional goals
- The projected timetable for completion of your degree
- Your teaching philosophy (e.g., how you structure a course, how you take differences in learning styles and abilities into consideration when leading discussions or planning lectures, and how your own personal and academic experiences influence your thinking about education)
- A brief statement explaining why you teach and what you value most about education
- Your approach to evaluating and assessing students
- Your general teaching interests (please be sure to list a teaching interest selected from the programs that are hiring, as many programs do not hire TFs and will not be reviewing applications)
Also provide a curriculum vitae that includes the following information:
- Your educational background (including master's work and thesis topic, if available)
- Any academic honors that you have received
- Your areas of specialty and competence
- Your dissertation topic
- Your professional experience, especially teaching
- Any professional development or training that you have had, especially teaching
- Languages you know
2025–2026 Application Process
- March 2025: The list of 2025–2026 TA opportunities is circulated to all graduate students. The TA application is posted on the careers page.
- April 11, 2025: The TA Application is due.
- April 18, 2025: The Provost's Office informs all applicants of their eligibility status and forwards the applications of tentatively eligible and eligible applicants to departments for review.
- April 21, 2025: Departments review applications.
- May 2025: Departments send the first round of tentative offer letters to selected candidates. Some departments will not make final decisions on selections until the summer.
- Summer 2025: Departments send additional tentative offer letters on a rolling basis as needed.
Questions should be sent to [email protected]. A detailed FAQ is also available.