This page outlines the key information regarding the Multi-Year Appointment review process for part-time faculty at The New School for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Note: Request for review for the current academic year (2024-2025) is closed. The next cycle and application will be posted in April, 2025.
The Multi-Year Appointment is a six-year appointment for which eligible part-time faculty members may apply. The length of service for applicants to qualify begins at the 14th semester or session, and applicants must be in their 13th semester or any year thereafter to apply for review.
Article XIII sec. A.4 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between The New School and ACT-UAW Local 7902, outlines the definition of a Multi-Year Appointment for Part-time Faculty. Applicants must demonstrate a standard of excellence through a Multi-Year Appointment review process. The review criteria for demonstrated excellence include teaching excellence, professional accomplishments and contributions to the field, and service.
All eligible applicants shall provide the following for review according to the timeline below:
- Curriculum Vitae (complete and up-to-date);
- Examples of scholarly and/or professional productivity - such as copies of published papers, conference presentations, documentation of performances, examples or reproductions of artistic work, books, book chapters, and/or references to online resources;
- Personal statement - with commentary on performance with regard to teaching effectiveness; standing and contributions in the field or discipline; University, School and department/program service; goals for professional development.
More information can be found in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Review Process
- Part-time faculty who are in their 13th semester or beyond and are interested in a multi-year appointment, as well as those with multi-year status expiring in the upcoming academic year who wish to renew it, should complete the Request for Multi-Year Appointment Review form by May 31st to express their interest in undergoing the review process.
- The Provost Office will notify applicants of their eligibility within two weeks, along with the review timeline, criteria, procedures, and required submission materials, via email.
- Eligible applicants will have approximately three months to prepare their materials, which are due to the Provost Office at the beginning of September. The Provost Office will also hold an information session to cover the required materials and review procedures.
- Once the materials are submitted, the college where the applicants primarily teach at will arrange classroom observations during the Fall semester, or at the start of the Spring semester if the applicant is not teaching in the Fall. The observation will result in a classroom observation report. Afterward, academic leadership will prepare a supervisor report. Both reports will be submitted to the Provost Office as part of the materials the review committee will review.
- The review committee will convene in February or March to begin the review process and will submit their final review reports to the Provost Office by mid-April.
- The Provost Office will have about two weeks to review the reports and will inform applicants of the review outcomes by May 1st.
More information on the appointment review process is outlined in Article XIII, sec. D. Multi-year Appointment Review Process in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
2024-2025 Review Timeline
The Multi-Year Appointment review process for 2024-2025 will open for applications May 1, 2024 through Friday, May 31, 2024. The Request for Multi-Year Appointment Review form must be submitted online.
- May 1, 2024: Application cycle opens for the 2024-2025 review cycle via the Request for Multi-Year Appointment Review form.
- May 31, 2024: All applications are due from part-time faculty via the online web form (above)
- June 14, 2024: The Provost Office notifies part-time faculty of eligibility and review timing, criteria, and procedure, and materials required for submission
- September 8, 2024: Applicant Materials Deadline to Provost’s Office
- Classroom Observations: Rolling after September 8, 2024 through early Spring 2025 semester
- Supervisor’s Reports: For classroom observations completed in Fall 2024 and early Spring 2025 semester
- February-March: Review Committees charged and meet
- April 15, 2025: Review Committees submit summative reports to the Provost Office
- May 1, 2025: The Provost Office notifies applicants of review status and new/updated baseload information
Helpful Resources
Note: These resources are stored in the New School's knowledge-sharing platform, Guru. Please log in to your Guru account to access them.
Additional Questions?
Please contact University Part-Time Faculty Affairs.