• The future of The New School will be shaped by the core values that have defined our past: academic freedom, tolerance, and experimentation. Our leadership team brings this mission to life.

    With a commitment to providing excellent service to students and advancing a rigorous academic environment, the leaders of our university ensure that we adapt and respond to contemporary issues, create a more inclusive community, and foster creativity and collaboration among students.

    University Provost

    Dr. Renée T. White

    The Provost’s Office oversees the academic planning for the university, ensuring that we are preparing students to thrive in a rapidly changing society. This office also helps advance a safe and nurturing environment where students can experiment, learn, and grow.

    Board of Trustees

    Orozco mural detail

    Drawn from the ranks of leaders across all elements of society, our board members help chart a course for our university’s future. Using their experience as luminaries in business, education, philanthropy, government, media, and more, they shape our university into a leader of creativity and innovation.

    Senior Leadership

    The President’s Leadership Team works in alignment with the President to oversee institutional planning, policy, and decision making in service of The New School’s academic mission and operational resilience. As the officers of the university, this group sets a tone of innovation, integrity, excellence, and service across all university work.

    University Deans

    The university's deans are the leaders of the academic programs, faculty, and students in their schools and colleges and partners in setting the university’s overall academic vision and strategy.  Individually, they are scholars and leaders in their fields. Together, they work closely with the Provost to advance academic excellence, the highest standards for academic governance, and robust transdisciplinary collaboration across all of The New School's programs.

    Student Senate

    The Student Senate is made up of students who embody the creative and intellectual energy of The New School. Drawn from all of our schools, these students play an active role in all elements of campus life, representing the voice of students on important topics and key initiatives with faculty and administration.

    Faculty Senate

    The academic leaders who make up the Faculty Senate are drawn from across our university. They meet regularly to explore and examine how the university can continue to grow and fulfill its mission as a creative, innovative, and socially engaged institution.

    Staff Senate

    The Staff Senate helps foster open communication on the behalf of all staff to administration, faculty, and students. These staff leaders are a part of the ongoing dialog about the future of The New School, giving advice and input on initiatives that affect the university.

  • Take The Next Step

Submit your application


To apply to any of our undergraduate programs (except the Bachelor's Program for Adults and Transfer Students and Parsons Associate of Applied Science programs) complete and submit the Common App online.

Undergraduate Adult Learners

To apply to any of our Bachelor's Program for Adults and Transfer Students and Parsons Associate of Applied Science programs, complete and submit the New School Online Application.


To apply to any of our Master's, Doctoral, Professional Studies Diploma, and Graduate Certificate programs, complete and submit the New School Online Application.
