• Faculty

  • Adela Pena


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    Adela Pena


    As founding member of Eroica Trio, soloist in Beethoven Triple Concerto with Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle and Pittsburgh symphonies; Hong Kong Philharmonic, Budapest Symphony and Prague Chamber Orchestra. Trio recitals include Musikverein in Vienna, Concertgebow in Amsterdam, and Alice Tully Hall in New York's Lincoln Center. Featured on PBS, NPR, ABC and Fox television and radio. Seven trio recordings on the Angel/EMI label, two Grammy nominations. As performer in  Orpheus Chamber Orchestra, national and international tours, Carnegie Hall performances, and recordings on Deutsche Grammophon label. As violin soloist, winner, Washington International Competition, recitalist at Phillips Gallery in Washington D.C., master classes with Boris Belkin in Sienna, Italy, soloist with English Chamber Orchestra. Presently Violin Instructor and Chamber Music Coach at University of Pennsylvania, and faculty member of Mannes College Preparatory Division.

    Current Courses

    Lesson 1 hour
    RAML 0300, Fall 2024

    Lesson 1/2 hour
    RAML 0350, Fall 2024

    Lesson 3/4 hour
    RAML 0325, Fall 2024

    Preparatory Instruction
    RAML 0001, Fall 2024

    Future Courses

    Lesson 1 hour
    RAML 0300, Spring 2025

    Lesson 1/2 hour
    RAML 0350, Spring 2025

    Lesson 3/4 hour
    RAML 0325, Spring 2025

    Past Courses

    Lesson 1 hour
    RAML 0300, Spring 2024

    Lesson 1/2 hour
    RAML 0350, Spring 2024

    Lesson 3/4 hour
    RAML 0325, Spring 2024

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